Face The Book TV – Season 4 Episode 1
Catch the livestream Weds. 1/3/2024 at 2 p.m. ET here, on our YouTube channel, or on our Facebook or LinkedIn Live (links below).
Know your rights! And responsibilities.
Ongoing series with Emerald Lake Books publisher Tara Alemany, hosted by Charlotte PIerce, Pierce Press, in collaboration with Independent Publishers of New England
As an author, how can you best prepare for the unique relationship you will be building with your publisher?
As a publisher, what are the best practices for onboarding an author and sustaining a productive relationship?
Maybe you are both an author and a publisher – know your strengths and clallenges, where and when to reach out for help.
Watch live and post your questions in the discussion sections on Facebook, LinkedIn, or YouTube for our panelists to answer in real time!
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