Indie Book News
Achieving Effective Collaboration
Host Pete Forsyth of Wiki Strategies and digital innovator Leo Vivier tease out peeragogical patterns in free software and community organizing. They zoom in on how people coordinate actions in large, decentralized projects and how to run fun, friendly conferences in this ecosystem.
Comp Titles: What Makes Your Book Unique?
What makes your book unique? The answer is more complicated than many authors think. Our experts explain how to find “comparative” or “competitive” titles and refine your niche.
Club Spotlight Pop-Up Podcast: North Cascades Crew
With a boathouse named after Boys in the Boat legend Joe Rantz, how can a rowing club go wrong? Meet the remarkable, community-focused North Cascades Crew on Lake Stevens in Washington State!
Engaging in Challenging Conversations
Why do we avoid challenging or difficult conversations? What are the patterns we can draw on for the best outcome?
Accessible Day Trips in Greater Boston
Among the many organizations making the outdoors accessible is the Universal Access office of the Mass. Dept. of Conservation & Recreation provides excellent information and a richly populated event calendar.
Learn-to-Row Day, June 5, 2021
The 20th National Learn to Row Day will be held on Saturday, June 5, 2021, at rowing clubs and in health clubs throughout the United States.
Rowing to College
How can your student bridge the gap between their dream of a college experience and finding the university program that fits best with their rowing and academic goals?
Help Daniel Keep the Oceans Alive!
Our award-winning author, certified permaculturist Sheryl Davis, who is inspiring a new generation to care for the earth & oceans.
Peeragogy, Of Course!
Please join us as we discuss evolving plans for the Peeragogy Course 2021!
SERIES: Copyrights & Contracts
Breaking news on copyright & IP for indie publishers, featuring the new “Copyright Small Claims Court” recently hailed by indie publishers across the country.
Print-on-Demand vs. Print Run
Yes, you will pay more per copy with POD. Yes, you can still get good quality books printed. Yes, a digital or offset print run will require a larger up-front outlay of cash before you sell any books, although pre-sales can offset that hit.
PCR Kids Add Environmental Goal to Popular 10K Challenge
We invite you to join the livestream as Caitlin Mance, Executive Director of Philadelphia City Rowing gives us the scoop on how you can participate in PCR’s traditional 10K Challenge – this year with an environmental twist!
How Builds Success through Community Collaboration
What would it take to accelerate the success of your collaborative efforts and build community in your enterprise? In our first Peeragogy Accelerator of 2021, we take a virtual tour of ACMi, the community media station in Arlington, MA.
The Possibilities of an Open Global Mind
This episode will introduce Open Global Mind, a project to build communities and platforms that will help us make sense of the world – together.
Where, When & How to Market Your Book
When should you as an independent author-publisher start marketing your book? Our panel lays it out for you.
Visualizing Life Patterns
Design patterns? What are they, and how do they determine, affect, or change the course of our lives? Why is it important to visualize them?
BOOK AWARDS: Is Your Book a Winner?
This episode of Face The Book TV will help you make a wise selection from the many available book awards programs so your return in book sales exceeds the cost of application fees.
Arshay Cooper & Mark Wilson on USRowCon2019
In this episode, we had the honor of hosting Arshay Cooper of Row New York and Mark Wilson of the All American Rowing Camp for a recap of the 2018 US Rowing convention in San Diego, where they both gave presentations. Arshay outlined the status of the DEI programming at USRowing (under former CEO Patrick McNerny), reported on impact & innovations at Row New York, where he serves on the board of directors.
Groundbreaking Olympian Anita DeFrantz
Our exclusive interview with the legendary and inspiring Anita DeFrantz at the USRowing Convention kicks off our celebration of Black History Month. DeFrantz was born in 1952 in Philadelphia, USA. A member of the Vesper Boat Club in her home city, she was captain of the American rowing team at the 1976 Summer Olympics winning the bronze medal in women’s eight.