Interview with FOSS Asia founder, Hong Phuc Dang
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Hong Phuc Dang, founder of FOSS Asia speaks to Peeragogy Project member Joe Corneli about their work with Free Libre Open Source Software (FOSS) in Asia, including the calendar software used at Wikimania.
FOSS Asia creates Open Source software and open hardware from science apps like the Pocket Science Lab (PSLab), event management systems (Eventyay), big “open” data analytics software (loklak), Open Source personal assistants (SUSI.AI), tools for development (Scrum Helper), to Android apps like the imaging app Phimpme.
The organization’s signature event, the FOSSASIA OpenTechSummit, takes place every year in March in Singapore. Other OpenTechSummits are in China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand. FOSS organizes Science Hackathons in cooperation with companies and International organizations like the UNESCO and have meetups throughout Asia from Beijing, Saigon, Singapore to Dubai.
Host, Joe Corneli; Episode producer: Charlie Danoff; Series producer: Charlotte Pierce; Interns: Abishek Nagda, Olivia Doe.
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