Face The Book TV
Podcast Episode #17
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How to join the ranks of “award-winning” authors & publishers
We’ll talk to seasoned book awards experts on this episode of Face The Book TV to help you make a wise selection from the many available book awards programs so your return in book sales exceeds the cost of application fees.
Rewards of awards
Receiving an award can help you reach new readers and bring requests for author signings, conference presentations, and media interviews. But though the rewards may be great, winning is not guaranteed, and at $90 and up (IPNE.org offers one of the lowest fees at $45 for members), book awards fees can mount up. However, with a well-designed book and a carefully tended author platform, the right awards program makes it easier to add “Award-Winning” to your book’s cover and author resume and grab the attention of publicists, bookstores, and readers, without breaking the bank!
- FTBTV Producer: Pierce Press Productions
- HOST: Eddie Vincent, Encircle Publications, IPNE president
- Linda Radke, Story Monsters (Purple/Royal Dragonfly Awards)
- Michael Piekny, HubEdits & IPNE.org Awards Chair
- Hannah Jacobson, Founder Book Awards Pro automation service
Make better books & sell more of them!
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